Time-lapse Tuesday: Italy’s Cinque Terre

February 24, 2015 G Adventures

It’s Tuesday, so once again it’s “time” to “lapse” it up! (See what we did there?) Each week, we’ll share a new way of looking at this big blue planet of ours. While a photo does a great job of capturing what we see with our own eyes, a time-lapse reveals just how little the eye can see. Drop your anchor offshore to watch locals and tourists wind their ways along this Mediterranean village in Cinque Terre, Italy.

“Cinque terre” literally means five lands but it’s really five villages. Situated seaside in Italy’s Liguria region, travellers come to ride the rails and walk the trails between each township. Close your eyes, smell the olive groves, and hear the Mediterranean roll below you. Life’s easy here.

Getting There

G Adventures runs a number of departures to Italy encompassing a wide range of departure dates and activities to cater for different tastes. We’re thrilled at the prospect of showing you this big blue planet of ours — check out our small group trips here.

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