Top 5 Things to Take With You to the Galapagos Islands

March 26, 2014 Julia Wong

The Galápagos Islands are one of those rare places in the world where nature presents itself at its finest. You get to see how nature has evolved without the influence of man and witness the playful characteristics of the unique species that inhabit these remote and well-preserved islands. And when you’re exploring an otherworldly destination like this, it’s important to know that you’ve got all the things you’ll need to enjoy yourself while you’re there:

A sea lion sleeps the afternoon away.

A sea lion sleeps the afternoon away.

1. Day Pack

Your days will be jam-packed as you hop from island to island and from one activity to the next. Ease and convenience are key when you’re readying for a shore landing. Be prepared like a good Boy or Girl Scout and bring the essentials – water bottle, hat, sunscreen, camera(s), sunglasses, etc – in a day pack.

Your day pack will come in handy for shore landings.

Your day pack will come in handy for shore landings.

2. Good Waterproof Camera/Video Camera

While there are plenty of amazing images to be captured on the land and in the sky, there are just as many to be found underwater. A quality waterproof camera will help you capture the water at its bluest and the vibrant colours of the coral. Whether it’s a sea lion dancing through the water around you or a sea turtle gracefully gliding past, these are the moments you’ll want to have captured on film.

Bring an underwater camera so you don't miss out on capturing moments like this one.

Bring an underwater camera so you don’t miss out on capturing moments like this one.

3. Knowledge that you’re entering a preserved national park

The Galápagos Islands environs and ecosystem have all been protected as a national park. Conservation efforts and sustainable tourism are a constant balancing act. It is here that we must remember what Charles Darwin wrote about in On the Origin of Species on his theory of evolution and where the phrase “survival of the fittest” was coined. You might happen upon baby sea lion pups nursing, but you might also witness frigate birds feeding on newly hatched baby sea turtles. Be prepared to see nature in its rawest form. You might also get the opportunity to visit research centres to learn more about animals like the Galápagos giant tortoise and learn about how they evolved and the efforts that are being taken to bring them back from near-extinction.

A Galapagos hawk over its pray.

A Galapagos hawk over its pray.

4. Sturdy walking shoes

You will find yourself walking and hiking over some rocky terrain and slippery lava fields, so do yourself a favour and bring a pair of waterproof hiking sandals. The semi-closed toed variety will both protect your toes from the jagged rocks you’ll encounter while hiking about the islands and keep your feet comfortable as you walk along the shore (and occasionally dipping your toes in the water). Pack these shoes as a two-in-one and save some space in your luggage.


5. Sense of Adventure

Hopefully you will be well prepared when you head to the Galápagos, but be ready for the unexpected. Nature is unpredictable and you never know when you will get the chance to happen upon a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Spotting a whale? Snorkelling with dolphins? Feeling a penguin brush up against your leg? All in a day’s adventure if you’re open to new experiences!

A dolphin speeds along side our boat.

A dolphin speeds along side our boat.

Getting There

Want to pack your bags and head off to the Galápagos Islands yourself? G Adventures has a number of options on offer. And, with small sailing yachts, you’re free to get up close to the amazing wildlife found no where else on this planet.

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