Call Answered: Support for Nepal Surpasses Goals

April 28, 2015 G Adventures

So remember that post yesterday? The one in which we asked for your help to raise $75,000 for Nepal’s earthquake recovery and relief?

You answered the call! In a little more than a day after launching an aid appeal in response to the earthquake that devastated Nepal, you've raised more than $85,000 from over 1,000 donors in more than 35 countries and surpassed our fundraising goal. Your response has been incredible, helping us hit our target in just a little over 24 hours—that's almost $50 pledged per minute!

We’ve increased our target to $100,000 and G Adventures will contribute an additional $25,000 in support of the recovery efforts. We’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated, contributed and otherwise helped spread the word about our Nepal Earthquake Relief & Recovery Fund. It's simply astonishing what we can accomplish together.

Check out the results so far here. The donations continue to pour in!

Where will my donation go?

G Adventures has had a connection with Nepal for 15 years. In the spirit of supporting local communities, we’re working with our partners on the ground to identify the critical needs of hundreds of our Nepalese brothers and sisters. Many have been left homeless, and are sleeping outside in tent communities where conditions grow worse every day.

To address this urgent need, we have already delivered $10,000 for emergency relief that will see water, food and blankets distributed to villages in the Kathmandu Valley.

The balance of funds will be used for the long-term repairing and rebuilding of homes in the region. This includes the homes of dozens of porters, guides, and homestay hosts, and the homes of the women from Planeterra’s Sisterhood of Survivors community project in Kathmandu.

Thank you...

To everyone who donated, contributed, and otherwise helped spread the word about our Nepal Earthquake Relief & Recovery campaign—thank you! It's simply astonishing what we can accomplish with just a tiny bit of effort. Congratulations to all. let's keep it going!

Just because we've hit our goal already doesn't mean we should take our collective foot off the gas. Nepal has experienced extensive damage and loss, and our Nepalese brothers and sisters will have their work cut out for them. Let's see just how far we can take this campaign. So, whatever you did yesterday—keep doing it. Let's push that total up as far as we can go. It's amazing how readily we will all jump in to support a cause. We should all feel fortunate to be part of such an eager, giving, and caring community!

Donate today

Visit Planeterra’s Nepal Earthquake Relief & Recovery page today to show your support. No amount is too small. It takes thousands of small gestures to rebuild shattered lives.

Tell everyone

Even if you’ve already donated, please help spread the word: Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers, and your social networks. The more we raise, the more we can help. (And don’t forget to tag your posts with the #GAdvCares hashtag.) The more we raise, the more we can help. Together, we have the power to change the world. Please join us.

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